Additional Resources

The project seeks funding from the Australia Council for the key component of:

1. Fees for the artist and craftspersons to enable them to commit time to the ‘making’ component of the project. The contribution of Soumitri Varadarajan is an in-kind contribution from RMIT University.

2. Mobility costs for travel and accommodation to enable the collaboration to happen with the artists physically co-located in Melbourne and New Delhi.

The project will seek additional resources from the following sources:

1. Australia India Institute: The Australia India Institute has expressed an interest in being involved in efforts orientated towards engaging with Maternal Health in India. At the moment of writing this EOI I have been in discussion with the Australia India Institute for some time to define a creative practice approach in the space of Maternal Health that accords with the programme needs of the Institute. The drawings and outcomes of the probes have been shown to the institute and I am hopeful that I will be able to secure additional funding for the project targeted towards a travelling exhibition.

2. City of Melbourne: I have in 2012 undertaken a project funded by the City of Melbourne funded under their India engagement charter. I aim to seek additional funding from the City of Melbourne for local hospitality and expenses for the Melbourne workshop.

3. RMIT University: I will seek to obtain inkind support from RMIT in the form of access to the printing and computer embroidery facilities at cost. I will also obtain event venue from RMIT University as an in-kind contribution to the project.

4. India: I will seek to get inkind support from a few organizations in India to host the India events. This would include accommodation and venue being supplied by the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad. Venue for events in New Delhi from the India International Centre and India Habitat Centre to be obtained as inkind support. Also inkind support for venue and accommodation in Bangalore from the Srishti School of Art Design and Technology.



