Tag: Social Innovation

  • Soumitri in 2016

    Design is vehicle for change. A Design Project can be a campaign. In a furiously online world I see design projects as either a first step towards a business venture or a campaign that changes the way people think. Design innovations can change the way we deal with ageing and death. Design projects can change…

  • Flower-lined streets had fewer burglaries

    Flower Power Thwarts Burglars in Japan : TreeHugger Studies have shown that hospital patients make a speedier recovery when they have a exposure to living vegetation, like trees and flowers. And certainly great metropoli are made even more liveable by their extensive parks and gardens. Now it seems that plants can also deter burglars. Sort…

  • Curriculum Design

    Just some eye candy on this subject – Papanek’s sketch. I made the draft for three curricula – courses in Social Design, Service Design and Social Innovation. I am imagining that at this point the object trajectory of design is one path. The dematerialized is another way entirley. The difference in the two paths is…

  • 2009 project

    Theme: Social Innovation and Service Design My practice is in the area of sustainability – which I articulate as the development of projects that look at material and systemic sustainability in Industrial Design Projects. A lot of these projects are speculative and propositional so located in the future. I work with a set of defined…

  • The opportunities in an Economic Downturn for Designers

    I keep hearing of people being laid off – Designers are losing their jobs in the current downturn. So what do they do. I have a few ideas for things you can do as you wait for the economy to turn around: 1. Go back to uni and do a Masters degree. So you get…

  • Social Design it is

    I have just come back from India. And from Presenting the School of Design vision. For now its all go – and that is really exciting. In short the vision argues for three new kinds of courses: 1. Social Innovation: Where the key focus is upon a people orientated project that uses methodologies more attuned…

  • Sustainable Innovation: The Organizational, Human, and Knowledge Dimensions

    Sustainable Innovation: The Organizational, Human, and Knowledge Dimensions | Discovery Fuel Problematically, most contemporary patterns of innovation in human social systems and organisations are not sustainable. This prevents people from learning effectively, from recognising and solving their problems, and from operating in sustainable ways. It is arguably why societies, businesses and industries around the world…

  • Design School Vision

    I finally started writing – the tool kit for a new School of Design. A tool kit because a vision is so self aggarandising. Tool kit is so much more participative. For now the tool kit has three parts – a way to do a take on design. 1. The Agenda – which in this…

  • D-Light

    d.light – About Us The use of kerosene lamps has caused countless disabilities and loss of lives. Kerosene lamps are a poor and unreliable source of light that emit smoke and create unhealthy home environments. They depend on kerosene fuel, which is expensive for the rural family. There are 1.6 billion people worldwide who still…

  • KICKING GOALS – CHANGING LIVES: Discussions about homelessness, poverty, social entrepreneurship and making a change

    Series Venue:  BMW Edge at Federation Square, Melbourne Series Moderator:  Ms Tracee Hutchison, a writer, broadcaster, reporter for ABC TV’s 7.30 Report and Saturday Age Opinion columnist. FREE ENTRY CONVERSATION ONE Wednesday 3 December – Kicking Goals – Changing Lives A discussion with young people about street soccer, crime, homelessness, poverty, achievement against the odds…